Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards

Photo of Dave Junker

Dave Junker, Ph.D.

Lecturer and Director of the Senior Fellows Honors Program in the Moody College of Communication

Department of Advertising and Public Relations

Moody College of Communication

UT Austin

My teaching philosophy is more of a personal pledge, or a vow, which I subconsciously renew every time I step into the classroom, than it is a coherent philosophy.

It goes something like this: Dear Dave, if you are genuinely excited to be here in this classroom, if you show a sincere interest in your students and their ideas, if you know your stuff and show a real passion for it, if your greatest pleasure is seeing them master it and make it their own, then your students will. And they will do something more: they will be willing to take the risks that make true critical thinking, intellectual discovery and personal growth possible. As a communications educator in the new media age, I realize that's kind of a long pledge. So here's a version repurposed for Twitter: Share knowledge with passion, engage perspectives with integrity, pursue wisdom above all.