Cultivating Learning and Safe Environments

Programs, Policies & Resources

University of Texas institutions have scores of outstanding programs addressing this critical issue, covering several important areas. They include:

  • Support and counseling services for victims through a variety of outlets, such as campus counseling and psychological services, silent witness programs and community partnerships.
  • Awareness, prevention and education initiatives, like the system-wide Bystander Intervention Initiative and campus-based programs such as peer educator training, outreach workshops, “Take Back the Night” and “Breaking the Silence” events, and participation in the It’s on Us Initiative – a national effort to put an end to sexual assault on college campuses.
  • Coordinated response protocols to reports of sexual harassment, stalking, dating/domestic abuse and violence, and unwanted sexual contact from entities such as the institutions’ Equal Opportunity Services office, Office of Title IX, and the campus Police Department.
  • Professional training for employees and students that cover university policies related to sexual harassment as well as information on how to speak up when issues of sexual harassment, relationship violence or sexual misconduct are observed or suspected.

See a complete list and learn more about UT institutions’ campus response, prevention efforts, and resources to address sexual harassment, stalking, dating/domestic abuse and violence, and unwanted sexual contact:

Links to Title IX programs at each institution