Wellness Inspiration from a UTSA Colleague

What are your New Year's resolutions? Are you worried you might not be able to stick to them all? Perhaps these tips from a colleague at UT San Antonio who has been there can help. She provides some great advice for planning ahead and tracking your progress.

Do you have a Living Well Success Story? Please share!

Sonia Flores, UT San Antonio

What health behavior did you change? 

I exercise three times a week, including stretching and power walking on treadmill, and I do crunches every morning.  I manage my meals to coincide with quantity, quality, and time of day and to include healthy snacks. At first, while eating out - I requested a to-go container when the order was taken. When the meal arrived, I immediately put half of the meal in the container. Then, when my husband noticed my weight started dropping, he became jealous and started doing the same. This plan is followed every day; it is a life change and I stick to it.

Why did you decide to make this change?

My health had declined; I was tired of being sick and fat!  The illness causes muscle weakness and my upper and lower back can no longer support me.  The doctor indicated exercising and stretching would help the muscles but not cure it.  My quality of life was being affected in basic walking, climbing stairs, sitting and standing.

How did you accomplish your success?

By logging my progress on the Living Well challenges. High cholesterol issues are in my family which I slightly display and low blood pressure is a problem for me. Monday through Friday breakfast is oatmeal, Splenda, smart balance butter, and one toast, plus coffee. Saturday and Sunday, I eat my meal of choice in moderation, splitting meals and some healthy items with heavy salt intake. I do 50 crunches every morning and one hour of power walking on treadmill two or three times a week. I continue to half my meals when eating out and save it for lunch the next day. If my spouse likes what I order, we split the meal and salad. We drink water with a lemon wedge. My stomach has really shrunk and I get full fast, I am very mindful in paying attention while eating to stop when starting to feel full.

How did the University of Texas System Living Well: Make it a Priority or your Institutions resources and tools help you? 

The email reminders assisted me in meeting my goal, tracking progress, and providing a target in steps, etc. Living Well encouraged me to participate in my first wellness challenge. One tip the Living Well challenge provided was before getting out of bed in the morning; start with a few crunches for people with back or health problems. I started one morning and then took it day by day. My goal was to perform them every morning, which most of the time, I accomplish.

What goals and obstacles did you have?

Health issues and meal management were obstacles. Many family members and friends offer me food with good intention, which I have to decline.

Who supported you during this experience?

My spouse and children supported me to share meals with them and to order and buy less food.  They understood my exercise was a priority for me. Also, I made it a point to ask them for help in providing their own meals and providing for themselves, so I can focus on me. I had to learn to be attentive to me; they are old enough to do for themselves.

What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

The hardest challenge is starting. Make small changes and eventually you will gain healthy habits and plan time to exercise. Find a "meal friend" to split appetizers and whole meals to include the salad. Do not cut out your favorite food items and snacks; eat them in moderation once a week. Pick a day that you can spoil yourself, as when meeting a friend or when a family event arises; this can be any day of the week. Plan healthy and easy breakfast and lunch ideas in advance. Find out what health issues plague your family and make food choices that lower your risk. Research online, as I did, what your carb intake should be for your height and weight.  Most smart phones have a health tracker which includes meals. Use it, as I do, to track your meal intake; it breaks down your meal to healthy or bad food choices.  It lets me know how many carbs, vitamins, etc., I eat and what I’m lacking.  Eventually, it became routine and I didn't have to log my meals and exercise as often. Both my spouse and I have lost twenty five pounds and we’re still losing.  We sleep better and don't get tired as easily and we go out more.  Thank you Living Well! You have improved our quality of life!