Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Felix C. Abattam

UT San Antonio

1) What health behavior did you change?

Eating habits were the biggest change. I basically cut out everything that is unhealthy and started eating healthy and earlier in the day.

2) Why did you decide to make this change?

Weight was getting a bit out of control. Started to get health problems, also overall mental and physical state started to just feel terrible.

3) How did you accomplish your success?

Basically the gym has become my second home. I put in the hours every day and worked extremely hard. Mostly high intense cardio workouts, and strength core muscle building workouts.

4) How did the UT System Living Well program help you?

The 10,000 steps challenge is what got me moving. I started the challenge and stayed consistent with the walking and getting my steps in. From there I joined the gym and have not looked back since.

5) What goals and obstacles did you have?

My goal was to lose about 50 pounds when I started. 

6) Who supported you during this experience?

I had support from my family, they really kept me motivated and urged me to keep pushing.

7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

My advice is to get out and get moving. Turn those excuses into solutions, start small and workout your way up the ladder.