Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Rebecca, UT Dallas

1) What health behavior did you change?

I changed my diet 2 years ago and became more active.

2) Why did you decide to make this change?

I was unsure as to why I was constantly feeling tired and was not sleeping throughout the night.

3) How did you accomplish your success?

I started by tracking what I was eating. I downloaded an app and entered each meal. I noticed I was consuming a lot of carbohydrates and fried foods, as well as every southerner's weakness- sweet tea. After reviewing my eating habits, I started making modest changes here and there, and over the course of 3 months, my diet was renovated and I was feeling much better.

4) How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?

I started counting steps with a pedometer...and that jump started a competition amongst me, friends, and my boyfriend. I'm very competitive and would walk around campus on my lunch break to ensure that I would win! Additionally, the dining services on campus at UTD offer great low-carb options.

5) What goals and obstacles did you have?

CRAVINGS. I would wake up in the middle of the night craving all sorts of things- cheesecake, sweet tea, French bread. They were a major obstacle and there were definitely a few times when I slipped. I was never too hard on myself and focused more on my successes. My goals were to run a half marathon and participate in a long bike race. I've since completed 4 half marathons, 1 10k, and two 30+ mile bike rides.

6) Who supported you during this experience?

My friends, family, and co-workers all supported me in varying ways. My friends offered advice on how they were changing their diets/activity levels, my family motivated me regularly and attended my events, and my co-workers provided me with motivation in small, but meaningful ways.

7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

Don't give up on yourself. Set a goal and remind yourself of what it is daily. The constant reminder will fuel your motivation. Find others who have similar goals and motivate them as well. Be patient with yourself. Nothing comes easy, especially when you're trying to break a lifetime habit of a sedentary lifestyle.