Wellness Inspiration – A Living Well Success Story

Dasha Clay, UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas

What health behavior did you change?

The most important thing that changed was the way I was eating.

Why did you decide to make this change?

I was aware of the amount of food I was eating and the tremendous weight gain. My doctor had even told me that I needed to maybe join weight watchers and lose some weight based on my family history of high blood pressure and cancer. At that time everything in my life was so chaotic- my only peace was a cocktail and an enchilada platter from El Chico, which I treated myself to quite often. I only wanted to wear my work uniform because I could hide most of the fat. I was never the type to wear my navy work Dickies on the weekend but that became the norm.

On Halloween 2015 I was invited to a big Halloween party. I was so excited, but I had a horrible time finding something to wear. I decided to go with the “love, peace, and happiness" look and some jeans. At the party I took several pictures which I had been avoiding the camera because of the additional 20 pounds I gained. I got home and looked at the pictures and realized there was no "love, peace, and happiness" in this body. Everything around me was a mess including me. At that moment I begin to realize I was losing myself and literally killing myself slowly. I had a rough weekend and started work on Monday, when one of my fellow drivers who speaks his mind all the time said "girl you are about to bust out those pants.”

That was it! I began educating myself on what strategy I was going to take to live healthy. I watched YouTube videos and begin to educate myself on heathy eating; portion control and exercise just seem like the way to go. So that’s how I begin my journey back to me. I cut back tremendously on the salt and sugar, and the weight began to shed weekly. I began Zumba and my goal is to work out at least 3 times week- just to keep the heart pumping. It's February and I feel like a new woman; I feel healthy, smart, and beautiful. I love to share my story and encourage women to eat healthy and exercise. We do so much for others but we neglect to take care of ourselves. You truly are what you eat.

How did you accomplish your success?

Through education and knowing what types of food I'm eating. Healthy eating starts in your kitchen.

How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?

They have offered so many educational seminars, Zumba classes, Yoga Classes, Activity Challenges, and my favorite are the Living Well walking paths throughout campus.

What goals and obstacles did you have?

My goal is succeed in making healthy eating a lifestyle.

Who supported you during this experience?

Honestly I didn't have much support amongst my family. My co-workers have been so encouraging and great motivators. They noticed the changes immediately. The Wellness Program has been a great source for education, activity programs, and just a great group of people who want to spread good health throughout our workplace.

What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

Sugar and salt are your enemies, eat in moderation, and move that body.

Do you have a Living Well Success Story?  Please share!