Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Linda, from UT San Antonio, has shared some thoughts about her journey in improving her health along with some tips for living a healthier life.  Do you have a Living Well Success Story? Please share!

What health behavior did you change?  

Diet, exercise, purified water, stress management, getting rid of toxins, proper rest, etc. Followed NEWSTART, an acronym of Weiman Institute and Hallelujah Acres, even became a Health Minister and have been helping people make lifestyle changes since.

Why did you decide to make this change?

To get rid of Fibromyalgia. I've been free from it since 1999 and have helped 5 others get rid of Fibromyalgia as well as countless others improving, and increased the health of many others with various deficits like Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies, Heart Disease, etc.

How did you accomplish your success?

Mostly diet and exercise change - I can expand. During my healing I was drinking 8 glasses of freshly juiced carrots and 4 glasses of "living" leafy green barley grass juice, eating 85% raw plant food and vegan, drinking 99% of the time purified water, walking 30-45 minutes 5-7 days a week, creating a consistent rest regimen of 8+ hours a night, etc.

How did the University of Texas System Living Well program or your Institution’s wellness resources and tools help you? 

I try to exercise during lunch hours and the Wellness opportunities help.

What goals and obstacles did you have?

Working lots of hours makes it difficult to manage my time to get exercise in and do juicing like I should.

Who supported you during this experience?

My husband, family, and a few friends who were also trying to improve their health supported me. I also had a like-minded Doctor of Osteopath that was extremely helpful in guidance. After moving to San Antonio five years ago, I finally found Vital Life Wellness Center on Broadway downtown and Living Health in New Braunfels that are like minded wellness professionals to assist me. 

What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

Eat raw plant food all day to get in as many healing "live" enzymes as possible. Restricting your diet to only 20% cooked food in the evening allows your body to heal for a significant portion of the day. Exercise! If you can only do 5 minutes of light exercise like walking, start there and increase a few minutes a day until you are successful with 30-60 minutes a day. You only have one body, and it doesn't improve with age. You have to take control of your health, start today!