TRS Financial Awareness Video Series

Starting now through early 2017, the Teacher Retirement System will be rolling out a series of new financial awareness videos aimed at helping UT employees participating in TRS learn even more about retirement self-sufficiency. Starring in this series of short animated whiteboard videos is a diverse cast of characters.

The series introduces members to three interrelated themes:

  • One, what you have – your TRS defined benefit plan. Topics include how the TRS pension plan works and how to estimate your TRS retirement benefit. Spoiler alert: pension, benefit and annuity all mean the same thing!

  • Two, what you need – to save more. Topics include whether your TRS pension will provide enough income in retirement, and reasons why the answer is probably “no” – like the impact of inflation and the fact that you may not be eligible to participate in Social Security.

  • And three, how to get it – by saving smart. Topics include setting financial goals, enrolling in a 403(b) plan, taking advantage of compound interest, working with financial advisors, and more!

Some of the videos are more relevant to early and mid-career members, while others may be of more interest to members who are near retirement. However, no matter where you are in your career, you’ll find something valuable in every video. See below for the latest videos, and stay tuned for more!​

What will the next video be about? Check back each week to see what’s new!

To learn more, visit