Saving During the Holidays

While the holidays are generally a time to focus on family and good cheer, they can also bring on some financial stress. Don’t let a merry season sink you and your savings. Here are some ideas to help you get through the holiday season with your mind and your wallet intact:

  1. Create a clear gift budget, with spending caps for each person on your list, and then stick to that list.

  2. Start Early. If you start early, you have a greater chance of finding good bargains. Last minute shopping is a good way to break a budget.

  3. Pay with cash. Gift-shopping with credit or charge cards sometimes makes it harder to reign in your spending impulses. By taking a set amount of cash set by your budget, you are much less likely to break that budget.

Once you make it past the holidays with your mind and budget whole and healthy, make sure to visit the UT Retirement Program webpage at to make sure that you’re saving up the ultimate present for yourself—a long and happy retirement. 

To learn more about the UT Retirement Programs and to start or update your contributions, please visit our website at