Naturally Slim is Here!

New Living Well Program Now Available
Hear What Your Colleagues Have to Say about “Naturally Slim”

During our 2016 pilot program of Naturally Slim, 3,070 UT System employees lost over 16,000 pounds in 10 weeks! We are now offering the program System-wide to all UT SELECT Medical plan participants (aged 18 and above), at no out-of-pocket cost to you.

Learn more and register today by visiting Naturally Slim

Here’s what just a few of the pilot participants have told us about their experience with Naturally Slim: 

Kathy O. at UTMB Galveston

With the Naturally Slim program, I changed how look at food and meals.The program's ongoing support through videos and graphs to see my progress with my weight and time spent moving. I did not feel deprived. The program's mantra is "It's not what you eat but when and how you eat."

I'd tried so many meal plans and diets before and never lost much. On so many diets I felt that I had to eat salad for every meal and there were so many do and don'ts. I've lost 27 pounds and over 10 inches in the 10 week program. And I'm continuing to lose still utilizing the Naturally Slim principles.

I kept my plan low key at home, but slowly told my husband and son about what I was learning and practicing. They are encouraging and are proud of my results! I also saw friends at work with the "H2Orange" tumbler and we could compare progress. The program's online NS Town provided other avenues for questions and encouragement.

Advice for others: Take advantage of the programs offered by Living Well. Use the tools offered. You can make progress! I love Naturally Slim and the principles just make sense for me. Find the tool that works for you and use the tools. You can be successful!

Melanie D. at UT Dallas

The biggest health behavior I changed was to slow down and enjoy the food I was eating. I've learned to eat when I was hungry not when it was time to eat. I also started walking more.

The Naturally Slim principles made it easy to start losing weight. Unlike other "diets" I've tried, I was restricted in what I could eat. Here I was told to eat whatever I wanted to eat; just had to follow the principles. I lost weight on the foods I enjoyed eating. I met my 10 week goal, but I am still working on my lifetime goal and I know one day I will meet that too. I've lost 35 lbs so far.

My mother, son and a few co-workers were my biggest supporters. I had a few people that doubted the program when I first told them I could eat whatever I wanted. But they have seen the results and are now interested in it.

Advice for others: Sign up! This program is very realistic. You crave certain foods, this program teaches you how to eat. It also gives you great principles on how to live and be healthier. I am so glad UT-System offered this to their employees and I was able to take advantage of it. Thank you UT-System and Naturally Slim!

Lisa S. at UT Austin

I have been working out with a trainer for 3 years now and my weight wasn't coming off. I knew I had to change my eating habits.

The Naturally Slim program showed me that I could eat what I wanted, as long as I only ate when I was truly hungry, not just bored. It showed me that keeping a check on my sugar consumption and determining why I wanted to eat when I wasn't really hungry could help me better control myself.

My goal was to lose 20 lbs. in 10 weeks. I actually lost it in 8 weeks! MY killer sweet tooth was a definite disadvantage, but the program gave me the tools to defeat it.

Advice for others: Just follow the Naturally Slim principles and you CAN lose!