Are You Ready to Spring Into Motion?!

Spring into Motion Spring Into Motion

The UT System Spring 2017 Activity Challenge is here! Team up with colleagues at your institution to Spring Into Motion and compete for the Traveling Trophy. This four-week challenge, much like Walktober, will encourage you to meet a weekly steps goal to earn points for your institution and toward earning the challenge rewards: A Living Well Frisbee and Blender Bottle.

Frisbee Blender bottle reward

Registration is now open at The four-week challenge begins Monday, April 3, 2017.

For questions about Spring Into Motion, please contact customer service at

Below are a few thoughts from UT SELECT members who participated in our last challenge, Walktober. Watch the video below to learn more. 

“By increasing my daily walking I not only feel better and have more energy, I have lost a few pounds, too. I plan to keep this up and get fit!” -Patricia C. at UTMB Galveston

"Getting my husband to join our team (qualified as my dependent in insurance) was a TOTAL INSPIRATION to both of us as well as our team members. We all worked as a group and enjoyed it to the max! I'm trying to get all of us to continue doing what we learned in one month's time! It's beneficial to ALL!! Thank you!" –Suray P. from UT Southwestern Medical Center

“My group would get together 2 times a day to take a 15 to 20-minute walk. It made walking much more enjoyable and we could catch up on how each other’s day was going while getting our steps in.” –Kathryn Z. from UT Dallas