Apply Now for Naturally Slim

Naturally Slim
Last fall UT Benefits introduced Naturally Slim to all UT SELECT Medical plan members, age 18 and above. The 8,500 UT SELECT members who participated lost a combined 50,000 pounds during the 10-week Foundations program!

Naturally Slim is an online weight loss program that teaches healthy eating habits, all while still allowing you to still eat the foods you love.

UT Benefits is teaming up with Naturally Slim to provide the proven weight loss program again this spring at no out-of-pocket cost to UT SELECT Medical plan members, ages 18 and above. This 10-week program of online classes will help you lose weight and, more importantly, keep it off.

Space is limited. Apply now, between March 1-17, 2017. To learn more and apply, please click here.

For questions about Naturally Slim, please email

Check out these quotes from participants in the fall program and watch the video below to hear what other participating UT SELECT members had to say about the program.

“Losing 20 lbs in 10 weeks while not giving up my favorite foods has been wonderful!! I can't believe all these years all I needed to do was chew slowly and savor the flavor...I don't even crave sweets anymore!”

“This program was the easiest I have ever done. I set a goal of 20 pounds and was uncertain I would achieve it in 10 weeks, but surprisingly I did meet the goal. I not only met it, but I surpassed it. It really was not hard at all and I have been able to eat whatever I want. I feel so much better with tons more energy. Excited that I had the opportunity to participate in this program.”