Activity Challenge Can Bring Lasting Change

Did you participate in the spring 2015 Activity Challenge this year? Are you keeping up with your activity after the challenge? We’d love to hear about it!

These members made great strides and shared their advice for the rest of us who are trying to make healthy changes. The next challenge is only 4 months away! Keep up your hard work through the holidays! 

Dennis Layman, UT San Antonio

“I have been tracking my steps for over a year but this Challenge helped me walk more, including 9 of my top 10 daily totals. I was able to walk 24,344 on May 9, more than I have on any day in the past! It was great getting challenged by coworkers to improve my ranking. Also, my children frequently went for walks with me.”

My advice: “Try to set a goal for regular improvement in your activities." 


Debbie Blankenship, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

"I was able to increase my exercise activity by trying different exercises and by slowly increasing the intensity. I stayed after work and used the Fitness center and walked the floor during my breaks. At times it was a challenge to stay after work especially when I was tired and wanted to go home but once I did exercise, I was glad I stayed as I felt better."

My advice: “Make a goal or goals and set a pace and do it. Gradually increase it with time and intensity and don’t let setbacks stop you or discourage you from accomplishing what you want to do.” 


Cynthia Plonian, UT Arlington

“In April I had a Total Joint Replacement of my left shoulder. My intent with daily exercise was to be as well as possible going into the surgery and recover as quickly and safely as possible, and better than previous surgeries. I logged 10,000+ steps daily prior to surgery. My hospital stay was 3 days. I logged 5,000+ steps, day 3 and 4 after the surgery, and 10,000+ for subsequent days. I am recovering well, amazing my surgeon and physical therapist."

My advice: “Do it! Wear a pedometer or measuring device at all times.”


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