Planning for Summer Camp

Summer CampsSummer is coming soon and if you are thinking about signing your kids up for summer camp, now is the time to start looking. You likely want a camp that is safe, fun, and fits the family budget. Here are some other things to think about when considering summer camp for your child.

Why sign your kids up for summer camps?

  1. Being around other kids is important. Spending time with peers helps build communication skills and confidence.
  2. It gives them the opportunity to learn new skills and face new challenges. Physical, mental, or social challenges will help your child learn and grow.
  3. Summer camps are often filled with physical activity and they do a great job of making it fun. Learning to love being active can have life-long positive effects on your child’s health.

Where to look?

Talk with your kids and find out what they’d like to try. Consider whether they (and you) would prefer a day camp or sleep-away, and how long. Local non-profits, city recreational centers, religious organizations, and nearby schools are a great place to start. Have fun!