Naturally Slim Helps UTMDA Employee Lose 51 Pounds

Shelita Kimble

Naturally Slim is an online behavioral program that helps you change how you eat instead of what you eat. It's not a diet. And, it's free to you. The program is available to all UT SELECT medical plan members age 18 and up, and the cost is fully covered by the UT SELECT Medical Plan.

By learning new techniques about how and when you should eat, you can continue eating your favorite foods while improving your health, reducing your chance of developing chronic disease, and losing weight.

The next class will begin Spring 2018. Join the wait list now to be notified when registration is open:

Shelita Kimble of MD Anderson lost 51 pounds with Naturally Slim! Here’s her story:

“When I initially heard about the Naturally Slim program I thought…this CAN’T possibly be true. But I’d been on every other diet, weight loss, healthy eating bandwagon out there so I figured why not try this one. There was a buzz about the program around the office. The unknown, the possibilities, the potential…there was actually a little excitement brewing inside of me. Fast forward to week one and the first videos – WHOA what does she mean I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight!? My first thought was ‘yeah right I’ll believe that when I see it.’

I’d set a goal to lose 15 pounds because I didn’t really have high expectations. I am proud to say that I am 51, YES 51 pounds down and counting. The Naturally Slim program is one that I can TRULY sustain for the rest of my life. I could never have imagined that I’d find something that REALLY works!!”