Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Success storyCarol Renee Carpenter, UTHealth

Carol at UTHealth in Houston improved her health by combining the UT System Activity Challenge with the Naturally Slim program for a one-two punch. The next challenge (Health Trails) is coming up soon, so check the article in this month's newsletter for details on registration.

1) What health behavior did you change?

I went from no exercise, to exercising five to six times a week.

2) Why did you decide to make this change?

I received the 2017 Spring into Motion Challenge which came at the same time that UT offered Naturally Slim. I decided that I should exercise with the diet, because I had a bad experience in the past of losing a lot of weight without exercise and lost a lot of muscle mass and was unable to lose weight for several years.

3) How did you accomplish your success?

I logged into the Spring into Motion site every day and it helped me stay focused on my goal of making exercise a habit, along with changing my eating habits.

4) How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?

By keeping me focused daily on my goals - it was inspiring.

5) What goals and obstacles did you have?

My goal was to exercise early in the morning to make sure I met the goal. Sometimes I did exercise in the late evening, but usually had too much to do. Sometimes I woke up too late to exercise in the morning.

6) Who supported you during this experience?

The UT System and my husband, who often kept me company while I was exercising.

7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

Definitely take the challenge - it was very inspirational and helped me stay focused on my goal. I am still exercising five to six times a week even though the challenge is over. It has helped me form a life-long habit. Great job to everyone involved.