Spring Cleaning - In Your Medicine Cabinet

TRSMake Sure Your Medications Are Still Safe and Effective

It’s time to take a fresh look at your medicine. Is it still safe and effective? Could it be interacting with those new vitamins or supplements you’re taking? Is it still the best value?And if you don’t need it, how do you get rid of it?

Read the BCBS of Texas LifeTimes March 2017 newsletter article to find information on why it’s important to dispose of expired medication, and how to dispose of it properly. 

Sources: “Time to Dust Off the Medicine Cabinet.”  BCBS of Texas, LifeTimes March newsletter.  March 2017. https://lifetimes.bcbstx.com/article/medicine_cabinet; U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Drug Interactions, What You Should Know, 2013; Don’t be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines, 2016; Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know, 2016