Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Close up of woman's feet in sneakers walking along a trail.Pat Scherer from UT Austin shared her experience with improving her habits for better overall health.

1) What health behavior did you change?
Became more consistent in exercise and healthy eating habits. 

2) Why did you decide to make this change?
I was concerned about regaining strength and losing weight that I had gained after an injury. I needed to find better ways to work exercise and healthy eating into my daily routine.

3) How did you accomplish your success?
I enrolled in Naturally Slim, joined a walking team for Walktober, 10K-a-day and Spring into Motion, and found many ways to include walking, exercise and healthy meals as part of each day: Our 10K-a-day team, Make Way for Ducklings, has been holding top place for UT Austin and large institutions. I track my steps via an app on my phone and being part of a walking team provides just enough incentive to finish out 10K steps or equivalent exercise on days when i otherwise would have "couch-potatoed" upon arriving home. I get extra steps in by taking the stairs, longer routes to meetings, jogging in place during waits (ie. bus, microwave,...), walking our dog and dancing. I make small healthy meals during the weekend that I can have on hand during the workweek like homemade soups and mason jar salads.

4) How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?
It helps to work in a place which supports healthy habits. The programs gave me a great start and the people I work with are also very supportive. I occasionally take other classes like yoga and it's good to know there are other resources available should I need them.

5)  What goals and obstacles did you have?
My goals were to rehabilitate a hip, lower back and knee injury, regain my cardiovascular strength and lose about 20 lbs. My greatest obstacle was accomplishing all this without exacerbating the injuries. My other challenge was getting consistent exercise during the workweek where much of my day is spent at meetings or a computer.

6)  Who supported you during this experience?
As mentioned earlier, the people I work with were all supportive...many have similar goals and were interested in trading recipes, participating on walking teams and other fun activities. My husband has joined me in walks and supported the new eating habits...eating lighter meals when we are hungry and rarely eating dinner. And my dog, Nim, is my enthusiastic personal fitness trainer...always ready to complete the last of the 10K steps when I arrive home from work.

7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?
Take advantage of the programs that are offered like Naturally Slim. Think through things that have gotten in the way of meeting your goals and put a plan together to address them around the things you enjoy. Try to be consistent so that you can form new habits. Team up with like-minded people. Don't try to be perfect - I think perfection is the enemy of consistency - honestly, you only need to be a little better on average to accomplish good things for your health.