Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Close up of woman's feet in sneakers walking along a trail.Sherian D. Williams from UT Austin shared her experience with improving her habits for better overall health.

1) What health behavior did you change?
Walking 2 miles a day was the major change I made. I used to only walk when needed, lol. Sitting at my desk all day, then vegging out in the evenings. Now I make it a point to schedule some time to get up and move every day. In conjunction with Spring into Motion; I started Naturally Slim which has currently resulted in a weight loss of 15 lbs. Woohoo!!

2) Why did you decide to make this change?
I've wanted to lose weight for quite a while, just never very motivated. With Spring Into Motion, achieving Springers was motivation that resulted in a lifestyle change which I am grateful. I don't think I'll ever break out into running, but I'm walking a little further every week.

3) How did you accomplish your success?
I had friends to walk with which helped a lot, because you are not alone. When I started to see the weight drop off, that was additional motivation.

4) How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?
Springers and goals for prizes resulted in a lifestyle change for me. It was just motivation to actually get up and move around. Once you start it becomes a good habit, you feel good and look good.

5)  What goals and obstacles did you have?
My ultimate goal is to lose about 20-30 pounds. I'm 6 lbs away from that 20lb weight loss. Obstacles: work and family obligations can hinder your time for yourself. What I've learned to understand is schedule yourself into that mix; make the time for myself to get out and walk. It doesn't take very long.

6)  Who supported you during this experience?
My main support systems were Melissa Pollard at work. She walks with me daily; which made it fun. My son who walks with me in the evenings. My sister who is helping me to strengthen my core and assists with tracking my food intake. Can't forget Naturally Slim, It's not what I eat, but when and how I eat. I have learned many things from this program that will help me in continuing my weight loss and hopefully never regaining the weight.

7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?
Get up, get out, get a friend, get moving. Once you start it will become a habit that will make you feel better.