Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Smiling woman.

Mandi in Austin improved her health after beginning the spring UT System Activity Challenge. Her advice to others looking to do the same? 

“Start small, start slow, start with friends; just start…You only fail when you refuse to try.”
- Mandi Mobley, UT Austin

Great advice, Mandi! The next challenge (Health Trails) is coming up soon, so keep an eye out for the September 2017 Newsletter with details on registration.

1) What health behavior did you change?
I started moving around more and in turn started taking note of my eating habits, which lead me to begin calorie counting.

2) Why did you decide to make this change?
I participated in the Spring into Motion challenge with co-workers.

3) How did you accomplish your success?
Having a group of co-workers participate in the challenge really helped. We had enough people participate in our office that we were able to create three teams, and it became a friendly competition. We put a board up in our kitchen to track which team was in the lead, and so I found daily inspiration to push a little harder and walk a few more steps so that I could help my team out.

4) How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?
By sending me the email about the program

5)  What goals and obstacles did you have?
I had a goal of earning 20 springers for the month, and I wanted at least half of them to be pink springers (10,000 steps or more). I did really good for most of the month, but there were definitely some days that I didn't feel like doing it. Getting 10,000 steps on the weekend can be really challenging!

6)  Who supported you during this experience?
My team and co-workers supported me, but my good friend Jasmine (who was both on my team and my co-worker) helped push me along the most. There was one night where I texted her around 9 pm, and I was like, "I don't think I have it in me to get the extra 2,500 steps tonight. I'll settle for my green springer badge." And she texted me back reminding me of my nearly perfect springer record at time and that there were three hours left till midnight, and that's more than enough time to hit my goal. That reminder was just what I needed, so I walked about 70 laps around my apartment and hit my goal within 30 minutes or so!

7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?
Start small, start slow, start with friends; just start. If you stumble and fall, that's fine, pick yourself back up. You only fail when you refuse to try... that's cheesy, I know, but you'll thank yourself when you look back.