Wellness Inspiration - A Living Well Success Story

Lydia CornellLydia from UT Austin shared her experience with Naturally Slim. Our current class has just begun and the next session will begin in Fall 2017.


Lydia Cornell, UT Austin


1) What health behavior did you change?

Eating behaviors through Naturally Slim.


2) Why did you decide to make this change?

I was not willing to "go on a diet", but definitely wasn't feeling comfortable with the way my clothes were fitting.  So when I got the email from UT System about signing up for Naturally Slim, I thought "well, I might as well give it a try, it's free, so I have nothing to lose."


3) How did you accomplish your success?

Though I started the Naturally Slim program as one of the biggest skeptics, I stuck with it and discovered that it worked!  Since the first few weeks of the program were completed, I have never felt deprived or like I'm struggling to stay on a diet program.  Yet the weight has continued to drop off: 23 lbs. and counting!


4) How did UT System Living Well or your Institution’s resources and tools help you?

You provided the program for free and let me know about it through email!  Thank you so much!


5)  What goals and obstacles did you have?

My goal was to feel better, have more energy, and for my clothes to fit better.  The biggest obstacle was my own doubt - I thought diet programs were just too hard and why bother?  Sticking with Naturally Slim has helped accomplish every goal but one - my clothes are fitting a bit too large.  Joke's on me.


6)  Who supported you during this experience?

I had the support of a few other UT Austin employees that I knew were also doing the program.  It was great to compare notes and encourage one another.


7) What advice do you have for others who want to make this change?

Sign up for Naturally Slim!  It's okay if you hate the videos or you think it will never work.  Just give it a try - it's free!  And I dare say it's changed my life.