The Easter Bunny is Coming Soon

jelly beansFollow these Tips to Protect Your Teeth

Easter is coming next week and it’s not just the kids who are looking forward to all those Peeps, chocolate bunnies, and jelly beans. Though it’s best to avoid sugary candy altogether, here are some tips to keep your teeth and your kids’ teeth in good shape, even as we go through a sugar-filled weekend.

  1. Limit chewy and hard candies. Hard candies tend to stay in the mouth for a long time while being sucked on. Chewy candies end up sticking to teeth and staying there for longer periods of time.
  2. Eat candy with plenty of water. 
  3. Swish vigorously with water after eating. This can help shake loose bits of sticky candy that get stuck in between teeth.
  4. Don’t snack on candy all day long. Eating candy at just one sitting is better than spreading it out over days or weeks. If you’re going to expose your teeth to sugar, do it for as little time as possible.
  5. Brush your teeth after eating sweets. It’s especially important if you eat something very sticky.

Keep your smile shining all year long by seeing your dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams. This preventive care is covered 100% by your UT SELECT Dental plan, so there is no cost to you!