Invest More Wisely with The Texas Investor Guide

Texas Investors GuideThink of planning for retirement as the art of balancing a three-legged stool. For most UT Employees, a secure retirement depends on at least three sources of income—Social Security, your mandatory retirement plan (such as the Teacher Retirement System or Optional Retirement Program), and personal savings.

While there’s not a lot we can do about the first two “legs” of our retirement, the Texas State Securities Board has produced a guide to investing that could help you with the third “leg” of your retirement income. Updated this year, The Texas Investor Guide offers easy-to-understand information on the principles of investing. It has tips for controlling investment costs and avoiding scams and risky investments.

If you participate in the UTSaver  403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity or the UTSaver 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan – or any type of individual retirement account – the guide can help you make the most of your investment opportunities. The Texas Investor Guide is available at no cost from the State Securities Board. You can review the guide online. Or to request printed copies, please send your mailing address along with the number of guides you’d like to receive to Robert Elder, State Securities Board Investor Education Coordinator, at