UT System Administration departments, through the Office of Contracts and Procurement, may initiate contracts that are intended for use by UT institutions. The contracts result from a Request for Proposal (RFP) process that typically includes subject matter experts from the institutions in developing the Scope of Work (SOW), evaluating proposals and recommending contract awards. The contracts include a “Project Addendum” intended for execution by the contracting office at the institution. Many of these contracts are awarded to multiple contractors providing the institutions with a variety of options for provision of the services.
Current Systemwide agreements include, but are not limited to:
Sponsoring UT System Department
Executive Search Firms
Human Resources
Athletic Position Recruiting
Academic Affairs
Audit Services
System Audit Office
Healthcare Consulting Services
Health Affairs/Finance
Fundraising Consulting Services
External Relations
Media Monitoring Services | External Relations |
Access to Contract Information
UT staff can access contracts, contract launch briefs and contractor contact information at Systemwide Contracts
Sponsoring Department Responsibilities
- Provide a Departmental Contract Administrator (DCA) as a primary point of contact with the contractor
- Communicate and promote the contract with the staff at the UT institutions
- Coordinate a contract kick-off meeting with CNP to include key functional staff and procurement staff at the UT institutions
- Develop a contract monitoring plan which includes the DCA providing periodic written status reports, including dollars spent by institution, to CNP
- Contact CNP to report any significant issues that would require notification of executive management
UT Institution Responsibilities
- Obtain proposals from a minimum of three of the awarded contractors if no specific costs for services are outlined in the contract
- If only one or two contracts exist, all awarded contractors must be asked to submit proposals
- Selection should be based upon use of best value criteria
- Execute the Project Addendum with signature by an authorized signor with delegated authority to sign contracts
- UT institutions should not change any language in the Project Addendum
- Include detailed Exhibits to address Scope of Work, Project Schedule and Project Cost
- Execute any Exhibits as may be required to comply with FERPA and HIPAA requirements if required
Office of Contracts and Procurement Responsibilities
- Manage the RFP process and approve the contract award
- Assist the department in negotiating agreements with each of the awarded contractors
- Obtain assistance from the Office of General Counsel as required
- Participate in contract award conferences and periodic contract reviews
- Provide UT institution contracting offices with access to contract documents and advice on how to execute project addenda
- Report any significant contract disputes or issues to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Additional Requirements
- Contracts are awarded without a specific cap on the value of the contract and require Board of Regents Approval
- Contracts are regarded as “high risk” and require enhanced monitoring as identified in Contracting Procedure CNP 3.8 “Contract Monitoring”