Statement from Chancellor Milliken on racial injustice

One week ago, George Floyd was killed by those sworn to protect him. This senseless act of inhumanity was an ugly moment in American history – but to our great shame as a nation, one that has been all too common. The persistence of hateful bigotry and racial injustice in America is evidence that our nation’s institutions are not serving us as they should. 

Americans are very angry, and understandably so. The right to protest is among our most cherished freedoms, and our country is better when men and women of conviction and passion make their voices heard. I admire and appreciate all who do so nonviolently. Those of us not demonstrating should listen carefully to those who are, and ask ourselves what more we can do. It’s up to all of us to take responsibility and ensure our country lives up to the ideals of a free and equal society.

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Karen Adler: • 512-499-4360 (direct) • 210-912-8055 (cell)