Regents Honor Students in Arts and Humanities with Inaugural Award

AUSTIN – Four UT Austin students were awarded the Regents’ Outstanding Student Awards in Arts and Humanities today (May 3) for their exceptional work in the musical arts by The University of Texas System Board of Regents.

Pianist Joseph Choi was recognized in the outstanding instrumental performance by an individual or duo category. Choi’s accomplishments include winning both UT Austin’s undergraduate piano competition and the Butler School of Music’s concerto competition. Choi was awarded $1,500.

The Hill-Country Reed Trio, a chamber music ensemble consisting of three UT Austin students, Jonathon Pearson Altizer on the bassoon, Stephanie Chung on the clarinet and Angela Park on the oboe, was recognized in the outstanding musical performance by a group category. The ensemble was awarded $2,500. 

The funds will be deposited in the students’ respective academic departmental budget.

“The Board recognizes how profoundly important the arts and humanities are to higher education, its students and its surrounding communities,” Regents’ Chairman Gene Powell said. “I congratulate our winners today for their remarkable contributions to the musical arts and wish them continued success as they promote the importance of innovative musical expression at our institutions.”

Established in February 2012, the Regents’ Outstanding Student Awards in Arts and Humanities will vary each year and commend students at UT System institutions excelling in one of four disciplines: the musical arts, visual arts, poetry writing and short essays.

To learn more about the nomination and evaluation process, and for details on future awards, please visit the dedicated website.