Rule 80702: Indirect Cost Recoveries



80000: Facilities

Date Approved

Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of Academic Affairs
Office of Health Affairs

1.  Title

Indirect Cost Recoveries

2.  Rule and Regulation

Sec. 1  Indirect Cost Recoveries.   To the extent that indirect cost recoveries from the application of overhead rates are derived from use charges for buildings, other improvements, or equipment, the funds so derived shall be designated for renewals or replacements of such buildings, improvements, or equipment or for other purposes specified and approved in the budget processes as related to the indirect cost recoveries.

3.  Definitions


4.  Relevant Federal and State Statutes 


5.  Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Forms 


6.  Who Should Know 

Chief Business Officers

7.  System Administration Office(s) Responsible for Rule 

Office of Academic Affairs
Office of Health Affairs

8.  Dates Approved or Amended 

Regents’ Rules Revision History

9.  Contact Information 

Questions or comments regarding this Rule should be directed to: 