Rule 40201: Registered Organizations



40000: Academic Issues

Date Approved

Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of Academic Affairs 
Office of Health Affairs

1.  Title

Registered Organizations 

2.  Rule and Regulation

Sec. 1  Procedures for Registration.   Each institution shall adopt procedures for the registration of faculty, staff, and student organizations at that institution. The period of registered status of an organization shall not exceed one academic year and such status shall automatically terminate at the end of each academic year; provided, however, an organization previously registered as a faculty, staff, or student organization may apply for and be granted registration for subsequent periods of one academic year if it meets all applicable criteria in effect for the period for which registration is sought.

Sec. 2  Suspension of Registered Status.   A registered faculty, staff, or student organization shall be subject to all applicable rules and regulations of the institution and The University of Texas System. Action taken by or on behalf of a registered faculty, staff, or student organization that results in a violation of such rules and regulations is subject to disciplinary action that may result in the suspension or revocation of the registered status of the organization.

Sec. 3  Membership Restricted.   No organization may become registered or remain registered at an institution as a faculty, staff, or student organization unless the membership of the organization is restricted to the faculty, staff or students of that institution.

3.1   At the time of application for registration and at the beginning of each semester that an organization is registered as a faculty, staff, or student organization, each such organization shall file with the appropriate officer at the institution a statement that the organization does not presently have, nor during any period of registration will it have, as a member any person who is not a student, faculty or staff member at the institution. 

3.2   If the president of the institution, or his or her designee, determines that the statement filed above is false, registration shall be denied. If the president, or his or her designee, later determines that statements made by an organization in its application for registration have become false during a registration period, the organization’s registration shall be cancelled.

Sec. 4  Required Contact Information.   Each application for registration as a faculty, staff, or student organization shall be accompanied by a complete list of the names and addresses of all officers of the organization as well as all person(s) authorized to speak for, represent, or receive official notices, directives, or instructions from the institution on behalf of the organization. This information shall be updated by the organization as necessary during any period of registration. If at any time during a period of registration it is determined that the organization’s required contact information is not current, the organization shall be notified of the deficiency. If the organization fails to update its information within 10 days of notification, the organization’s registration shall be cancelled unless good cause is shown for an extension of deadline. 

Sec. 5  Prohibition.   A registered faculty, staff, or student organization may state that its membership is composed of the faculty, staff or students of an institution, but it shall not suggest or imply that it is acting with the authority or as an agency of the institution. A faculty, staff or student organization shall not use the name of an institution or the name of The University of Texas System as a part of the name of the organization, and it shall neither display the seal of either an institution or The University of Texas System in connection with any activity of the organization nor use such seal or seals as part of any letterhead, sign, banner, pamphlet, or other printed material that bears the name of the organization.

3.  Definitions


4.  Relevant Federal and State Statutes 


5.  Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Forms 


6.  Who Should Know 


7.  System Administration Office(s) Responsible for Rule 

Office of Academic Affairs 
Office of Health Affairs 

8.  Dates Approved or Amended 

Regents’ Rules Revision History

9.  Contact Information 

Questions or comments regarding this Rule should be directed to: 