Rule 31005: Faculty or Staff Absence



30000: Personnel

Date Approved

Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of Academic Affairs 
Office of Health Affairs

1.  Title

Faculty or Staff Absence

2.  Rule and Regulation

Sec. 1  Statutory Requirement.   In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 51.108, the Board of Regents is required to issue regulations concerning the authorized and unauthorized absence from duty of faculty members, including teaching assistants and research assistants.

Sec. 2  Required Authorization.   Authorization for any member of a faculty or staff to be absent from his or her usual and regular duties will be granted only, with permission from the Chancellor or president of the institution or their designee, under the following conditions:

2.1  When such absence is on State business, and

2.2  When appropriate provisions are made to carry on the duties of the absent person without additional expense to the institution; or

2.3  In the case of military leave, not to exceed 15 working days each year.

Sec. 3  Institutional Regulations.   Permission to be absent from usual and regular duties shall be obtained as prescribed in institutional regulations. 

3.  Definitions


4.  Relevant Federal and State Statutes 

Texas Education Code Section 51.108– Regulations Concerning Absence 

5.  Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Forms 


6.  Who Should Know 


7.  System Administration Office(s) Responsible for Rule 

Office of Academic Affairs 
Office of Health Affairs 

8.  Dates Approved or Amended 

Regents’ Rules Revision History 

9.  Contact Information 

Questions or comments regarding this Rule should be directed to: 