Rule 10902: Research Security Policies



10000: Board Governance

Date Approved

Date Last Amended

Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of Systemwide Compliance
Office of Risk Management

1.   Title

Research Security Policies

2.   Rule and Regulation

Sec. 1    Purpose.   Federal and state governments and granting agencies have recognized the risks of foreign influence within the higher education research community and that some foreign governments, institutions, and researchers have used their participation in the research community to compromise U.S. national and economic security. Education and research are core missions of every U.T. institution, and the Board recognizes the value and necessity of international collaborations in fulfilling these goals. Therefore, to mitigate the risks related to research security and foreign interference, it is imperative that each U.T. institution follow the highest standards of compliance and security and pursue international collaborations with researchers and institutions similarly committed to research integrity, transparency, and reciprocity. 

Sec. 2    Research Security Programs and Policies.   Each U.T. institution shall submit for Board approval a policy framework addressing research security risks. 

a.  Each policy framework shall seek to achieve the highest level of compliance with all applicable ethical, legal, regulatory, and contractual guidelines to secure, protect, and expand the institution’s research portfolio, including but not limited to the following categories of research: classified, export-controlled, controlled unclassified, and fundamental.  

b.  U.T. System Administration and each U.T. institution shall appoint a Research Security Officer and establish a research security program that addresses key risk areas identified by federal and state governments, including National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 and Texas Education Code Section  51.956, which are applicable to each institution’s research portfolio, including, but not limited to, intellectual property, cybersecurity, research and proprietary data security, clinical trial data security, foreign collaborations, foreign travel, foreign visitors, foreign scholars and scientists, insider threats, and any other key risk areas.

c.  U.T. System Administration and each U.T. institution shall promote an organizational culture of compliance regarding research security and shall periodically monitor and assess the effectiveness of their programs. Institutional Research Security Officers shall promptly inform the Systemwide Research Security Officer regarding research security incidents that may significantly impact the mission or reputation of U.T. System or a U.T. institution.   

3.   Definitions


4.   Relevant Federal and State Statutes

National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 (January 14, 2021)

Texas Education Code Section 51.956 – Policy Framework for Research Security

5.   Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Forms


6.   System Administration Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of Systemwide Compliance
Office of Risk Management

7.   Dates Approved or Amended

Regents’ Rules Revision History