Rule 10401: Policies and Procedures for Board and Standing Committee Meetings



10000: Board Governance

Date Approved

Date Last Amended

Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of the Board of Regents

1.  Title

Policies and Procedures for Board and Standing Committee Meetings 

2.  Rule and Regulation

Sec. 1  Regular Meetings of the Board.  Regular meetings of the Board of Regents shall be held at such times and places as the Chairman of the Board shall designate. 

Sec. 2  Special Meetings of the Board.  Special meetings of the Board of Regents shall be held upon the call of the Chairman, or upon the written request of not less than five members of the Board. Written notification of the time, place, and purpose of a special meeting will be provided by the General Counsel to the Board to each member of the Board at least three days before the time of the meeting.

Sec. 3  Regular Meetings of Standing Committees.  Regular meetings of standing committees of the Board of Regents shall be held in conjunction with regular meetings of the Board. 

Sec. 4  Special Meetings of Standing Committees.  Special meetings of standing committees shall be held upon the call of the Chairman of the Committee, upon the call of the Chairman of the Board of Regents, or upon the written request of a majority of the membership of the Committee. Written notification of the time, place, and purpose of a special meeting will be provided to each member of the Board at least three days before the time of the meeting.

Sec. 5  Importance of Attendance.  Recognizing the broad authority and responsibility vested in the Board of Regents for the governance and operation of The University of Texas System, there is a specific expectation that members of the Board understand and recognize the importance of attendance at Board and committee meetings and will make a sincere commitment to attend as many of these as possible.

Sec. 6  Rules of Order.  Robert's Rules of Order, when not in conflict with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations, shall be the rules of parliamentary procedure when the Board or any of its committees is in session. 

Sec. 7  Confidentiality of Executive Session.  The Board recognizes the importance of the confidentiality of executive session discussions as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act. In compliance with State law, the Board has determined that the only recording or notes that document executive session discussions may be a certified agenda or a recording prepared by Board Office staff. Other recordings, notes, or third party communications that document executive session discussions are not authorized.

Sec. 8  Agenda.  Each matter to be considered at a meeting of the Board or a committee of the Board as an Agenda Item shall be accompanied by a summary of the facts pertaining thereto, the need for action thereon, and the recommendation of the Chancellor, and, where appropriate, the president of the institution involved. 

8.1  Except in the case of an emergency, all matters that are to be considered by the Board or a committee of the Board shall be presented to U.T. System Administration in sufficient time to allow review prior to transmittal to the General Counsel to the Board of Regents.

8.2  The Agenda Book for a Board meeting shall be provided to each member of the Board approximately two weeks in advance of the meeting, to the extent possible.

8.3  Consent Agenda.  A compilation of matters required to be approved by or reported to the Board via a Consent Agenda format shall be prepared as directed and approved by the Chancellor.

Sec. 9  Matters Referred to Committees.  To the extent practicable, all subjects and matters requiring Board action shall be referred to the appropriate standing committee for consideration and recommendation before action is taken by the Board. If the matter could be considered by more than one committee, the Chairman of the Board will determine the appropriate referral. 

3.  Definitions


4.  Relevant Federal and State Statutes 

Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 – Open Meetings 
Robert’s Rules of Order 

5.  Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Forms 


6.  System Administration Office(s) Responsible for Rule 

Office of the Board of Regents 

7.  Dates Approved or Amended 

Regents’ Rules Revision History