Rule 80301: Capital Improvement Program



80000: Facilities

Date Approved

Date Last Amended

Office(s) Responsible for Rule

Office of Business Affairs

1.  Title

Capital Improvement Program

2.  Rule and Regulation

Sec. 1  Annual Status Report.   The University of Texas System Administration will maintain a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) on an ongoing basis. Although the CIP is a dynamic document subject to change throughout the year, a report detailing the current status of the CIP will be formally presented to the Board of Regents no less than annually.

Sec. 2  Contents of Program.   The CIP will consist of a six-year projection of major new construction and repair and rehabilitation projects (Major Projects) to be implemented and funded from institution and Systemwide revenue sources. The CIP should be a current reflection of the institutions’ continuous processes of strategic planning and master planning for institutional programs.

Sec. 3  Modifications to the CIP.   The CIP is subject to modification at any Board of Regents’ meeting. Candidate projects will routinely be added to the CIP, and project information such as funding sources, project cost, and delivery dates will routinely be revised. Requests to add to or modify the CIP will be reviewed in accordance with the processes administered by the Office of Capital Projects.

Sec. 4  Major Projects.

(a)    Major Project – Any project that meets one or more of the following criteria: 1) new building construction with a total project cost of $10 million or more, 2) road, paving, and repair and rehabilitation projects with a total project cost of $10 million or more, and 3) any project determined by the Board to be architecturally or historically significant.

(b)    An institution’s dollar threshold for defining a Major Project may be increased from $10 million up to $25 million by the Chancellor, in consultation with the Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, if it is determined that the institution has the expertise to plan, design, and implement such projects.

Preliminary Cost Expenditures for Major Projects.   Approval by the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor will allow a Major Project to proceed to the Definition Phase. The Definition Phase provides authority for the U. T. System Administration and the institutional administration to expend institutional funds up to 5% of the anticipated total project cost to select the project architect and other consultants, confirm the basis of design, develop the formal Facility Program document, and develop schematic project plans. These funds will be provided by the institution initially but will be reimbursed to the institution from applicable project funds upon design development approval.

Sec. 5  Addition of a Major Project to the CIP.   Following the Definition Phase, addition of a project to the CIP provides authority for the U. T. System Administration and the institutional administration to expend institutional funds up to 10% of the anticipated total project cost to proceed to design development approval. These funds will be provided by the institution initially but will be reimbursed to the institution from applicable project funds upon design development approval.

Sec. 6  Management of a Major Project.   Each project added to the CIP will, at that time, be designated as being managed by the institution or by the Office of Capital Projects. An institution may manage a Major Project if authority to do so has been delegated by the Office of Capital Projects. A list of institutions which have been delegated authority to manage all Major Projects at that institution can be found here. Other institutions may be delegated authority to manage specific projects. In the absence of such delegation, the institution’s Major Projects will be managed by the Office of Capital Projects. Projects designated for institutional management shall follow the process, authority, and approvals as outlined in Rule 80404 for the full amount stipulated in the CIP. Projects managed by the Office of Capital Projects shall follow the process, authority, and approvals as outlined in Rule 80402.

Sec. 7  Timing of Student Election.   For such additions to the CIP that are anticipated to be funded in part by student fees, the project must be presented to the Board by the institutional President or his/her delegate and student representative(s) for approval prior to the call for a student election on the authorization or increase of the associated fee. This Section does not require a student election if one is not otherwise required by statute.

3.  Definitions

Definition Phase – An early, pre-CIP phase of project planning expected to more accurately resolve scope and cost confirmations for the proposed project, which includes the appointment of a Project Advocate.

Facility Program – A project planning document that organizes and summarizes client needs and programmatic information needed to design a capital project. It is generated through a process of collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and documenting significant requirements for a Project prior to proceeding into the Design Phase.

Project Advocate – An institutional representative familiar with the programmatic needs of the school, college or department who is formally authorized by the Institution’s President to lead the user committees engaged in the pre-project planning effort.

4.  Relevant Federal and State Statutes 


5.  Relevant System Policies, Procedures, and Forms 

Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 80402 – Office of Capital Projects Management of Major Construction and Repair and Rehabilitation Projects
Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 80404 – Institutional Management of Major Construction and Repair and Rehabilitation Projects

6.  Who Should Know 


7.  System Administration Office(s) Responsible for Rule 

Office of Business Affairs

8.  Dates Approved or Amended 

Regents’ Rules Revision History

9.  Contact Information 

Questions or comments regarding this Rule should be directed to: 