UTS 175 Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests and Management and Reporting of Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research

Sec. 1 Purpose

To establish principles and provide guidance related to control of potential financial conflicts of interest in research.

Sec. 2 Principles

2.1 Continued management of research integrity is an essential mission of our institutions.

2.2 Development of financial interest in research-derived intellectual property is an allowable activity for faculty and research staff.

2.3 Potential financial conflict of interest in research can be controlled and managed through development of an approved conflict of interest management plan.

Sec. 3 Applicability

This policy applies to all University of Texas System institutions. It is intended to promote objectivity in research by requiring those institutions to establish standards that provide a reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, and reporting of research is free from bias resulting from researcher financial conflicts of interest. It applies to externally funded research, regardless of the funding source, as well as to research that does not have external funding.

Sec. 4 Federal Regulations

This policy implements federal requirements pertaining to objectivity in research adopted by the Public Health Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as those adopted by the National Science Foundation (42 CFR Part 50, Subpart F; 45 CFR Part 94; National Science Foundation Grant Policy Manual Section 510). However, this policy requires U. T. System institutions to adopt standards for the disclosure, management, and reporting of individual financial conflicts of interest in research that go beyond the requirements of the federal regulations.

Sec. 5 Model Policy

Each U. T. System institution must adopt a policy for the disclosure, management, and reporting of individual financial conflicts of interest in research. To satisfy this requirement, the institution may, but is not required to, adopt the model policy applicable to its institution provided under Item 5 of this policy. If adopting the model policy, the institution may conform the organization and arrangement to those typical for the institution.

Sec. 6 Adoption of Policy Other than Model Policy

If the institution does not adopt the applicable model policy provided under Item 5, the institution must adopt a policy that is at least as stringent as the federal regulations adopted by the Public Health Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pertaining to objectivity in research (42 CFR Part 50, Subpart F; 45 CFR Part 94). In addition, the institution's policy must be substantially similar to the applicable model policy and specifically must:

a) apply to research that has external funding, regardless of the funding source, as well as to research that does not have external funding;

b) require the disclosure of significant financial interests in a manner that is at least as stringent as the disclosure requirements provided by Chapter 2 of the applicable model policy; and

c) require either disclosure upon request, or the posting on the Internet of financial conflicts of interest.

Sec. 7 Institutional Requirements

Each institution must:

a) include the policy in its Handbook of Operating Procedures;

b) amend the policy as necessary to comply with the federal regulations referenced in Section 2; and

c) post the up-to-date policy on a publicly accessible website.

Sec. 8 Administration and Enforcement

Each institution must administer and enforce the policy.