Healthy Sleep Can Lead to Better Health

sleeping woman

Sleep disorders are associated with a growing number of health problems: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure. 

Lack of healthy sleep can:

  • Increase stress on the heart
  • Increase insulin resistance and risk of diabetes
  • Reduce body’s response to flu vaccine
  • Shape how well we feel, behave and learn

Review the BCBS of Texas LifeTimes March newsletter to find out why sleep is so important, how much sleep you need and tips on how to get better rest.

Sources: “Sleep on It: 6 Ways to Get Some Shut-Eye.”  BCBS of Texas, LifeTimes March newsletter.  March 2017.; Why Is Sleep Important?, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2012; Video LibrarySleep Studies and Beyond Tired, National Sleep Foundation.