UT ARLINGTON (formerly Arlington State College in The Texas A&M University System; transferred by Texas Legislature to UT System on April 23, 1965) | |
12/1/1958 - 6/30/1959 | Acting President Jack R. Woolf (Died 6/12/2014) |
7/1/1959 - 9/1/1968 | President Jack R. Woolf (Emeritus title granted in 1968) (Died 6/10/2014) |
9/1/1968 - 6/30/1969 | Acting President Frank Harrison (Died 8/9/2013) |
7/1/1969 - 11/3/1972 | President Frank Harrison (Died 8/9/2013) |
11/4/1972 - 1/31/1974 | Acting President Wendell H. Nedderman (Died 5/8/2019) |
2/1/1974 - 8/31/1992 | President Wendell H. Nedderman (Emeritus title granted 6/11/1992; effective 9/1/1992) (Died 5/8/2019) |
9/1/1992 - 5/31/1995 | President Ryan C. Amacher (Died 11/25/2018) |
6/1/1995 - 2/29/1996 | Interim President Robert E. Witt |
3/1/1996 - 2/28/2003 | President Robert E. Witt |
3/1/2003 - 1/31/2004 | President ad Interim Charles A. Sorber (Died 10/18/2013) |
2/1/2004 - 5/31/2013 | President James D. Spaniolo (Emeritus title granted 5/5/2022) |
6/1/2013 - 3/19/2020 | President Vistasp M. Karbhari |
3/20/2020 - 4/30/2020 | Administrator in Charge Teik C. Lim |
5/1/2020 - 4/27/2022 | President ad interim Teik C. Lim |
4/28/2022 - | President Jennifer Cowley |
UT AUSTIN (formerly Main University of Texas at Austin effective by Texas Legislature on May 27, 1966) | |
9/7/1895 - 6/30/1896 | President ad interim Leslie Waggener (Died 8/19/1896) |
7/1/1896 - 9/15/1899 | President George Tayloe Winston (Died 8/26/1932) |
11/4/1899 - 7/24/1905 | President William Lambdin Prather (Died in office 7/24/1905) |
7/24/1905 - 9/1/1905 | Acting President Thomas Stalworth Henderson (Note: also served as Regent during this time frame) (Died 2/17/1937) |
9/1/1905 - 9/1/1908 | President David Franklin Houston (Died 9/2/1940) |
9/1/1908 - 12/15/1914 | President Sidney Edward Mezes (Emeritus title granted 12/14/1929) (Died 9/10/1931) |
11/16/1914 - 6/30/1916 | Acting President William James Battle (Died 10/9/1955) |
7/1/1916 - 6/30/1923 | President Robert Ernest Vinson (Died 9/2/1945) |
7/1/1923 - 7/31/1924 | President ad interim William Seneca Sutton (Died 11/26/1928) |
8/1/1924 - 9/1/1927 | President Walter Marshall William Splawn (Died 1/17/1963) |
9/1/1927 - 5/10/1937 | President Harry Yandell Benedict (Died in office 5/10/1937) |
5/12/1937 - 5/31/1937 | Comptroller John William Calhoun and Dean H. T. Parlin handled University matters |
6/1/1937 -5/31/1939 | President ad interim John William Calhoun (Died 7/7/1947) |
6/1/1939 - 11/1/1944 | President Homer Price Rainey (Died 12/19/1985) |
11/2/1944 - 5/23/1946 | Acting President Theophilus Shickel Painter (Died 10/5/1969) |
5/24/1946 - 8/31/1952 | President Theophilus Shickel Painter (Died 10/5/1969) |
9/1/1952 - 1/31/1953 | Acting PresidentJames Clay Dolley (Died 7/28/1977) |
2/1/1953 - 8/31/1960 | President Logan Wilson (Note: also served as Acting Chancellor 1/2/1954 to 9/30/1954, and Chancellor 9/1/1960 to 3/31/1961) (Died 11/7/1990) |
9/1/1960 - 5/31/1961 | President ad interim Harry Huntt Ransom (Died 4/19/1976) |
6/1/1961 - 6/30/1963 | President Joseph Royall Smiley (Died 5/25/1990) |
7/1/1963 - 11/1/1967 | President Harry Huntt Ransom (Note: also served as Chancellor from 6/30/1961 to 1/1/1971) (Note: From 7/1/1963, the Board of Regents consolidated the administration of the System and the Main University through November 1, 1967) (Died 4/19/1976) |
11/1/1967 - 9/1/1970 | Acting President Norman Hackerman (Emeritus title granted 8/10/2006) (Died 6/16/2007) |
7/1/1970 - 7/1/1971 | President ad interim Bryce Jordan (Emeritus title granted 8/10/2006) (Died 4/12/2016) |
7/9/1971 - 9/24/1974 | President Stephen Hopkins Spurr (Died 6/20/1990) |
9/25/1974 - 9/11/1975 | President ad interim Lorene Lane Rogers (Died 1/11/2009) |
9/12/1975 - 8/31/1979 | President Lorene Lane Rogers (Emeritus title granted 2/8/1990) (Died 1/11/2009) |
9/1/1979 - 8/31/1985 | President Peter T. Flawn (Emeritus title granted and effective 9/1/1985) (Died 5/7/2017) |
9/1/1985 - 8/31/1992 | President William H. Cunningham |
9/1/1992 - 12/31/1992 | Acting President William S. Livingston (Died 8/15/2013) |
1/1/1993 - 6/30/1997 | President Robert M. Berdahl |
7/1/1997 - 4/12/1998 | President ad interim Peter T. Flawn (Emeritus title granted and effective 9/1/1985) (Died 5/7/2017) |
4/13/1998 - 1/31/2006 | President Larry R. Faulkner (Emeritus title granted 2/9/2006) |
2/1/2006 - 6/2/2015 | President William C. Powers, Jr. (Emeritus title granted 11/19/2020) (Died 3/10/2019) |
6/3/2015 - 5/31/2020 | President Gregory L. Fenves |
6/1/2020 - 9/22/2020 | President ad interim Jay C. Hartzell |
9/23/2020 - 2/18/2025 | President Jay C. Hartzell |
2/19/2025 - | Interim President James E. Davis |
UT BROWNSVILLE (established September 1, 1991; closed September 1, 2016) | |
9/1/1991 - 12/31/1991 | President Homer J. Peña (Founding President) Started service as President of Pan American University at Brownsville in 1980 (Emeritus title granted 8/10/2006) (Died 7/9/2024) |
1/1/1992 - 8/31/2014 | President Juliet V. García |
9/1/2014 - 8/31/2015 | Interim Chief Executive Officer William Richard Fannin |
9/1/2015 - 9/1/2016 | Chief Executive Officer Janna Arney |
UT DALLAS (formerly Graduate Research Center of the Southwest effective February 14, 1961; renamed Southwest Center for Advanced Studies effective January 1, 1967; joined UT System on September 1, 1969) | |
9/1/1969 - 6/30/1971 | Acting President Francis S. Johnson (Died 9/17/2009) |
7/1/1971 - 8/31/1981 | President Bryce Jordan (Emeritus title granted 8/10/2006) (Died 4/12/2016) |
9/1/1981 - 5/15/1982 | Acting President Alexander L. Clark (Died 5/31/2009) |
5/16/1982 - 8/31/1994 | President Robert H. Rutford (Emeritus title granted 7/11/2007) (Died 12/1/2019) |
9/1/1994 - 5/31/2005 | President Franklyn G. Jenifer (Emeritus title granted 11/10/2005) |
6/1/2005 - 6/30/2015 | President David E. Daniel (Note: Resigned effective 6/30/2015 to become Deputy Chancellor at UT System) (Emeritus title granted 11/15/2018) |
7/1/2015 - 7/14/2016 | Interim President B. Hobson Wildenthal (Died 9/4/2021) |
7/15/2016 - | President Richard C. Benson |
UT EL PASO (founded in 1913 as the Texas School of Mines and Metallurgy; renamed College of Mines and Metallurgy in 1920; renamed Texas Western College in 1949; joined UT System in 1919) | |
5/1/1914 - 11/30/1922 | Dean Steven Howard Worrell (Deceased) |
12/1/1922 - 8/31/1923 | Acting Dean John William Kidd (Died 12/29/1941) |
9/1/1923 - 8/31/1927 | Dean John William Kidd (Died 12/29/1941) |
9/1/1927 - 7/10/1931 | Dean Charles Alexander Puckett (Died 2/1/1970) |
7/11/1931 - 5/15/1934 | President John Gerald Barry (Died 9/28/1963) |
5/16/1934 - 8/31/1935 | Acting President Charles Alexander Puckett (Died 2/1/1970) |
9/1/1935 - 8/31/1948 | President Dossie Marion Wiggins (Died 9/1/1978) |
9/1/1948 - 12/31/1948 | Ad Interim President Eugene McRae Thomas (Died 4/2/1980) |
1/1/1949 - 8/31/1954 | President Wilson Homer Elkins (Died 3/17/1994) |
9/1/1954 - 6/14/1955 | Acting President Alvin Arlton Smith (Deceased) |
6/15/1955 - 8/31/1958 | President Dysart Edgar Holcomb (Died 2/26/2010) |
9/1/1958 - 7/31/1960 | President Joseph R. Smiley (Died 5/25/1990) |
8/1/1960 - 8/14/1960 | Acting President Anton Berkman (Died 5/1/1973) |
8/15/1960 - 8/31/1968 | President Joseph M. Ray (Died 6/20/1991) |
9/1/1968 - 5/31/1969 | Acting President Robert Milton Leech (Died 5/19/2012) |
6/1/1969 - 12/22/1972 | President Joseph R. Smiley (Died 5/25/1990) |
12/22/1972 - 7/14/1980 | President Arleigh B. Templeton (Died 10/28/2006) |
7/14/1980 - 6/30/1987 | President Haskell M. Monroe, Jr. (Died 11/13/2017) |
7/1/1987 - 2/10/1988 | Interim President Diana S. Natalicio (Died 9/24/2021) |
2/11/1988 - 8/14/2019 | President Diana S. Natalicio (President Emerita title granted 8/14/2019) (Died 9/24/2021) |
8/15/2019 - | President Heather Wilson |
UT PAN AMERICAN (formerly Edinburg College; formerly Edinburg Junior College; formerly Pan American College; and formerly Pan American University; joined UT System in 1989; closed August 31, 2015) | |
9/1/1989 - 8/22/2004 | President Miguel A. Nevárez (began service at Pan American University in 1981) (Emeritus title granted 8/22/2013) |
8/23/2004 - 1/30/2009 | President Blandina (Bambi) Cárdenas |
2/16/2009 - 11/11/2009 | Interim President Charles A. Sorber (Died 10/18/2013) |
11/12/2009 -12/31/2009 | President-Designate Robert S. Nelsen |
1/1/2010 - 9/2/2014 | President Robert S. Nelsen |
9/3/2014 - 8/31/2015 | Interim Chief Executive Officer Havidán Rodríguez |
UT PERMIAN BASIN (formerly The University of Texas of the Permian Basin; joined UT System in 1969) | |
4/1/1970 - 12/20/1974 | President B. H. Amstead (Died 11/10/2016) |
12/1974 - 9/11/1975 | President ad interim V. R. Cardozier (Died 11/2/2014) |
9/12/1975 - 9/1982 | President V. R. Cardozier (Died 11/2/2014) |
10/1/1982 - 8/11/1983 | Acting President Donald T. Rippey (Died 3/16/2016) |
8/12/1983 - 11/1991 | President Duane M. Leach (Died 9/3/2021) |
1/1/1992 - 4/30/1993 | Interim President Edwin R. Sharpe, Jr. |
5/1/1993 - 5/31/2001 | President Charles A. Sorber (Emeritus title granted 2/6/2014) (Died 10/18/2013) |
6/11/2001 - 6/30/2017 | President W. David Watts |
7/1/2017 - | President Sandra K. Woodley |
UT RIO GRANDE VALLEY (authorized by the Texas Legislature in 2013) | |
6/15/2014 - | President Guy H. Bailey |
UT SAN ANTONIO (joined UT System in 1969) | |
5/10/1970 - 12/21/1972 | President Arleigh B. Templeton (Died 10/28/2006) |
12/26/1972 - 1/5/1973 | Acting President Peter T. Flawn (Emeritus title granted 8/23/2012) (Died 5/7/2017) |
1/6/1973 - 12/31/1977 | President Peter T. Flawn (Emeritus title granted 8/23/2012) (Died 5/7/2017) |
1/1/1978 - 2/7/1979 | Acting President James W. Wagener |
2/8/1979 - 8/31/1989 | President James W. Wagener |
9/1/1989 - 2/7/1990 | Acting President M. Dan Williams |
2/8/1990 - 5/16/1999 | President Samuel A. Kirkpatrick |
5/17/1999 - 3/2/2017 | President Ricardo Romo |
3/3/2017 - 8/31/2017 | Interim President Pedro Reyes (served as Acting President from 2/14/2017 to 3/2/2017) |
9/1/2017 - | President T. Taylor Eighmy |
STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY (Stephen F. Austin State University joined the U. T. System effective September 1, 2023. The Stephen F. Austin Board of Regents approved an affiliation with the U. T. System, and on May 10, 2023, the Governor signed legislation authorizing the transition of Stephen F. Austin into U. T. System) | |
9/1/2023 - 5/12/2024 | Interim President Gina Oglesbee (appointed by the Stephen F. Austin Board effective 6/1/2023) |
5/13/2024 - | President Neal Weaver |
UT TYLER (aligned with U. T. Health Science Center - Tyler on December 21, 2020; formerly Tyler State College in 1971; renamed Texas Eastern University in 1975; joined UT System September 1, 1979) | |
9/1/1972 - 6/30/1981 | President James H. Stewart, Jr. (Emeritus title granted 2/10/2005) |
7/2/1981 - 7/31/1981 | Acting President John R. Sawyer (Died 4/19/2023) |
8/1/1981 - 6/30/1998 | President George F. Hamm (Emeritus title granted 5/8/2003) (Died 10/10/2010) |
7/1/1998 - 12/31/2016 | President Rodney H. Mabry (Emeritus title granted 11/19/2020) |
1/1/2017 - 1/3/2021 | President Michael V. Tidwell |
1/4/2021 - 5/31/2024 | President Kirk A. Calhoun |
6/1/2024 - | President Julie V. Philley |
UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER (joined UT System in 1949 - formerly UT Southwestern Medical School at Dallas; UT Health Science Center - Dallas) | |
7/31/1946 - 8/31/1950 | Dean William Lee Hart (Deceased) |
9/1/1950 - 10/10/1951 | Dean Carl A. Moyer (Deceased) |
10/11/1951 - 12/31/1951 | Acting Dean James A. Gill (Died 8/18/1979) |
1/1/1952 - 8/31/1954 | Dean George N. Aagaard (Died 5/7/1997) |
9/18/1954 - 1/27/1955 | Acting Dean James A. Gill (Died 8/18/1979) |
1/28/1955 - 6/30/1967 | Dean James A. Gill (Died 8/18/1979) |
7/1/1967 - 10/19/1972 | Dean Charles C. Sprague (Died 9/17/2005) |
10/20/1972 - 8/31/1986 | President Charles C. Sprague (Emeritus title granted 7/12/1986; effective 9/1/1986) (Died 9/17/2005) |
9/1/1986 - 9/1/2008 | President C. Kern Wildenthal (Emeritus title granted 12/12/2013) |
9/2/2008 - | President Daniel K. Podolsky |
UT MEDICAL BRANCH - GALVESTON (began operations in 1891) | |
1891 - 9/17/1897 | Dean John Fannin Young Paine (Died 10/2/1912) |
9/18/1897 - 5/14/1898 | Dean Allen John Smith (Died 8/19/1926) |
5/16/1898 - 6/15/1901 | Dean Henry Pendleton Cooke (Died 8/8/1925) |
6/15/1901 - 8/31/1903 | Dean Allen John Smith (Died 8/19/1926) |
9/1/1903 - 2/10/1922 | Dean William Spencer Carter (Died 5/12/1944) |
2/10/1922 - 3/16/1926 | Dean William Keiller (Died 2/22/1931) |
3/16/1926 - 8/31/1928 | Acting Dean Henry C. Hartman (Died 5/16/1963) |
9/1/1928 - 4/17/1935 | Dean George Emmett Bethel (Died 4/17/1935) |
6/1/1935 - 8/31/1938 | Dean William Spencer Carter (Died 5/12/1944) |
9/1/1938 - 1/1/1939* | Acting Dean Byron M. Hendrix (Died 6/12/2003) |
11/1/1938* - 2/28/1942 | Dean John William Spies (*Byron M. Hendrix served from 11/1/1938 through 1/1/1939 while John William Spies was on leave of absence) (Died 7/1/1971) |
8/1/1942 - 8/31/1955 | Executive Vice President and Dean Chauncey D. Leake (Died 1/11/1978) |
9/1/1955 - 3/31/1956 | Chairman Truman G. Blocker, Jr. (Died 5/17/1984) |
3/31/1956 - 8/31/1964 | Executive Director and Dean John B. Truslow (Died 3/10/1983) |
9/1/1964 - 1/31/1974 | President Truman G. Blocker, Jr. (Died 5/17/1984) |
2/1/1974 - 8/31/1974 | President Designate William C. Levin (Emeritus title granted 2/12/1998) (Died 1/28/2013) |
9/1/1974 - 8/13/1987 | President William C. Levin (Emeritus title granted 2/12/1998) (Died 1/28/2013) |
8/13/1987 - 9/30/1997 | President Thomas N. James (Died 9/11/2010) |
10/1/1997 - 8/31/2007 | President John D. Stobo (Emeritus title granted 10/8/2008; effective 10/15/2008) |
9/1/2007 - 8/31/2019 | President David L. Callender |
9/1/2019 - 10/4/2021 | Interim President Ben G. Raimer |
10/5/2021 - 8/22/2022 | President Ben G. Raimer |
8/23/2022 - 8/14/2023 | President ad interim Charles P. Mouton |
8/15/2023 - | President Jochen Reiser |
UT HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER - HOUSTON (formerly Texas Dental College and UT Medical School at Houston; joined UT System in 1970) | |
1/1/1970 - 11/3/1972 | Dean of UT Medical School at Houston, Cheves McCord Smythe (Died 5/11/2020) |
11/4/1972 - 3/31/1974 | Acting President John V. Olson (Died 6/4/1995) |
4/1/1974 - 4/15/1977 | President Charles A. Berry (Died 3/1/2020) |
4/15/1977 - 8/31/1978 | Acting President Truman G. Blocker, Jr. (Died 5/17/1984) |
9/1/1978 - 9/1987 | President Roger J. Bulger |
9/1987 - 9/15/1989 | Interim President John C. Ribble (Died 9/21/2023) |
10/1/1989 - 8/31/2000 | President M. David Low (Died 6/15/2018) |
9/1/2000 - 3/31/2001 | Interim President James T. Willerson (Emeritus title granted 11/19/2020) (Died 9/16/2020) |
4/1/2001 - 7/31/2008 | President James T. Willerson (Emeritus title granted 11/19/2020) (Died 9/16/2020) |
8/1/2008 - 3/31/2011 | President Lawrence R. Kaiser |
4/1/2011 – 10/21/2012 | Interim President Giuseppe N. Colasurdo |
10/22/2012 - 2/28/2025 | President Giuseppe N. Colasurdo |
3/1/2025 - | Interim President LaTanya Love |
UT HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER - SAN ANTONIO (established in 1959; formerly known as the South Texas Medical School and the UT Medical School at San Antonio) | |
9/1/1962 - 12/31/1964 | Dean Robert C. Berson (Deceased) |
1/1/1965 - 6/9/1972 | Dean F. Carter Pannill (Died 6/30/2012) |
6/9/1972 - 11/4/1972 | Interim Dean Truman G. Blocker, Jr. (Died 5/17/1984) |
11/4/1972 - 1/31/1985 | President Frank Harrison (Emeritus title granted 11/16/2000) (Died 8/9/2013) |
2/1/1985 - 10/15/2000 | President John Prentice Howe, III (Emeritus title granted 11/12/2009) |
10/16/2000 - 1/31/2009 | President Francisco G. Cigarroa |
1/12/2009 - 6/18/2009 | Interim President William L. Henrich (Died 3/14/2024) |
6/19/2009 - 6/24/2012* | President William L. Henrich (Note: President Henrich took a short leave of absence) (Died 3/14/2024) |
6/25/2012 - 2/17/2013 | Interim President Kenneth L. Kalkwarf |
2/18/2013 - 3/14/2024 | President William L. Henrich resumes office (Died 3/14/2024) |
2/19/2024 - 1/31/2025 | Acting President Rob Hromas |
2/1/2025 - | Acting President T. Taylor Eighmy |
UTMD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER (formerly Texas State Cancer Hospital, and MD Anderson Hospital for Cancer Research; joined UT System in 1941 as UTMD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, renamed UT System Cancer Center and later, UTMD Anderson Cancer Center) | |
9/1/1942 - 7/31/1946 | Acting Director E. W. Bertner (Died 7/18/1950) |
8/1/1946 - 10/31/1968 | Director R. Lee Clark (Emeritus title granted 8/4/1978; retroactive to 8/1/1978) (Died 5/3/1994) |
11/1/1968 - 7/31/1978 | President R. Lee Clark (Emeritus title granted 8/4/1978; retroactive to 8/1/1978) (Died 5/3/1994) |
8/1/1978 - 8/31/1996 | President Charles A. LeMaistre (Emeritus title granted 8/8/1996; effective 9/1/1996) (Died 1/28/2017) |
9/1/1996 - 8/31/2011 | President John Mendelsohn (Emeritus title granted 5/18/2018) (Died 1/7/2019) |
9/1/2011 - 3/20/2017 | President Ronald A. DePinho |
3/21/2017 - 11/30/2017 | Interim President Marshall E. Hicks |
12/1/2017 - | President Peter W. T. Pisters |
UT HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER - TYLER (became an administrative part of U. T. Tyler effective January 4, 2021; formerly UT Health Center - Tyler; East Texas Chest Hospital; joined UT System in 1977) | |
3/1/1970 - 6/7/1970 | Acting Superintendent George A. Hurst (Died 12/10/2023) |
6/8/1970 - 8/31/1979 | Superintendent George A. Hurst (Died 12/10/2023) |
9/1/1979 - 1/5/1998 | Director George A. Hurst (Emeritus title granted 11/12/1998 and effective 1/5/1999) (Died 12/10/2023) |
1/5/1998 - 12/16/1998 | Acting Director Ronald F. Garvey (Died 3/15/2012) |
12/17/1998 - 10/31/2002 | President Ronald F. Garvey (Emeritus title granted 5/13/2004; retroactive to 2/1/2003) (Died 3/15/2012) |
11/1/2002 - 1/3/2021 | President Kirk A. Calhoun |
revised February 21, 2025