UT Permian Basin to Offer $10,000 Undergraduate Degree Program

AUSTIN – Answering Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s challenge for higher education institutions to develop a $10,000 undergraduate degree, the University of Texas of the Permian Basin President David Watts today (May 2) announced the Texas Science Scholar undergraduate degree program at a meeting of the UT System Board of Regents.

“UT Permian Basin is pleased to offer what we believe is an innovative undergraduate degree at an affordable cost to students,” President David Watts said. “The Texas Science Scholar Program improves access to critical degrees in science and technology and also addresses the institution’s goal to increase enrollment while improving the four-year graduation rate.”

Beginning in Fall 2012, the bachelor of science degree will offer majors in chemistry, computer science, geology, information systems and mathematics. Courses will be offered on the UTPB campus, allowing students to interact with UTPB’s outstanding faculty within state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities. The program has rigorous admission standards. Additional details of the degree program are available www.utpb.edu/texassciencescholar/(Link no longer active).

 “I am very pleased The University of Texas of the Permian Basin has worked diligently to develop a high quality undergraduate degree program in critical fields that will cost students no more than $10,000,” Regents’ Chairman Gene Powell said. “I congratulate UTPB and President Watts for their ongoing efforts and innovative approaches to improve student access and success while also enhancing excellence in the classroom. I am very proud, as is this Board, to see an outstanding UT System institution be the first in Texas to offer a $10,000 degree on one campus,” Powell added.

Applications are currently being accepted for a limited number of qualified resident full-time students. The program is anticipated to be approved by the full Board of Regents on Thursday. 

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