Regents approve Hurricane Katrina relief, Presidential Library proposal

The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System in a special called telephone conference call unanimously approved a motion giving broad authority to institution presidents to provide assistance and support for students, faculty and others affected by Hurricane Katrina. UT institution efforts to assist those impacted by the devastation experienced last week in Louisiana and Mississippi, including special admissions and accommodations at campuses as well as medical aid and hospital care, were lauded by the Board.


Regents also unanimously approved a resolution authorizing Chairman James R. Huffines to finalize details for a UT System proposal for the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. The proposal is due Sept. 15 to a special advisory committee reviewing all proposals.


In another action, the Board approved a proposal to purchase and make necessary improvements to a facility in Midland, Texas. The facility will be used to consolidate the offices of University Lands – West Texas Operations (Midland) and University Lands Accounting (Austin).  Both offices will now be collocated and unified in a single location in Midland sometime in 2006. Background on the proposal is contained in the Board agenda.


View the webcast archives at:


First Open Session (Before Recess to Executive Session)



Second Open Session (Post-Executive Session)

