Statement by Chairman H. Scott Caven, Jr., on the Recommendation of Mark G. Yudof to UC Presidency

AUSTIN – A search committee of the University of California Board of Regents today (March 20) recommended University of Texas System Chancellor Mark G. Yudof to become the next president of the University of California.

“I can understand why the UC regents would seek out Mark Yudof. He is, without question, one of the most outstanding leaders in public higher education today,” said H. Scott Caven, Jr., chairman of the UT System Board of Regents. “He understands the importance of higher education in the lives of individuals and in the economy, and is keenly aware of the profound role that the system plays in educating healthcare professionals and providing world-class health care – qualities that would make him an immensely attractive candidate to public and private universities.” 

Yudof has served the UT System as chancellor since 2002. He is the chief administrative officer of one of the nation's largest higher education systems. The UT System has more than 194,000 students and 81,000 employees spread over nine academic and six health institutions and an annual operating budget of $10.7 billion. The system confers more than one-third of Texas’ undergraduate degrees and educates nearly three-fourths of the state's healthcare professionals annually. 

Questions regarding the search process should be directed to the University of California Office of the President. The University of California news release concerning the announcement may be viewed online here: